Monday, December 18, 2006



5 letter story

Dear Husband of Mine,

Reality has shown its face and boy have you surprised me. I should have known something was up because for the past months things have been funny. You have been funny acting and doing unexplainable thing. Like, coming home late from work and going out with your friends on a constant bases. But whenever I called them, when you weren't answering your phone, they always would say you couldn't come to the phone. Whats that! Were you sleeping with them too? I should have of known but instead I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Because I was your wife I trusted you. Since thats what a wife is suppose to do. I never thought in a million years you would do something like that to me and when I did think you were cheating I didn't think it was with a man and I didn't think your wanted to be a woman! You lied to me all this time, why? You should have told me what was up. Yeah, I would have been highly upset. But now I'm past upset, I'm f**king furious and plus the fact that I had to find out from somebody else, really pisses me off. I don't think I've ever had this much hatred in my heart before. I really despise you and this whole situation is completely disgusting. I want nothing to do with you. A divorce is all I ask of you, this marriage is definately over. The arrangement for the our kids will be verified in court.

-Was your Wife

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